朗文 Longman Academic Reading Series 1-5级别 PDF


朗文 Longman Academic Reading Series 1-5级别 PDF

朗文学术阅读丛书(Longman Academic Reading Series)旨在提升英语学习者的学术阅读能力。整套图书共五册,即五个级别,第一册每个章节有2个reading材料,第二册至第五册每个章节有3个材料,材料难度不一,观点多样,涵盖了许许多多的主题:语言学,经济,政府,健康科学,心理学,艺术等等,材料均来源于图书,报纸杂志,文献等,极具权威性。


与一般的阅读材料不一样的是,每一篇阅读文章都分为了四个部分:reading,vocabulary,notetaking,critical thinking以及speaking/writing,每个部分附带多个题目,且分为阅读前的准备,阅读中的策略运用,以及阅读后的理解,有助于读者充分扩散思维,全方位读懂每一篇文章,掌握每一个知识点。

The Longman Academic Reading Series is a five-level series that prepares English language learners for academic work. High-interest readings cover a variety of subjects, including art history, nutrition, American literature, and forensics.

The series takes a holistic approach to the skills and strategies necessary for effective reading, vocabulary building, note-taking, and critical thinking. By encouraging students to discuss and write about the ideas covered in the readings, the series helps them become better speakers and writers of English.


  • Rigorous, sophisticated, and comprehensive readings are based on academic sources, each carefully designed to provide different and intriguing perspectives on a theme.
  • Readings come from a variety of sources and genres ― textbooks, newspapers, magazines, online articles ― and are written by experts in widely different fields.
  • A corpus-informed approach to vocabulary helps students build vocabulary and acquire skills to become more confident in preparing for academic work.
  • New Essential Online Resources include reading comprehension activities, reading faster activities, teacher’s manual and assessments, and audio of the readings. Level 5 only has audio of the readings.




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