《泰晤士报》的英文名称The Times,中文直译过来应该是《时报》。然而它的译名却变成与读音相近、但毫无关联的“泰晤士河”(River Thames)一样。由于约定俗成的关系,错译保留至今。现今世界各地有许多名为Times的报章,如《纽约时报》(The New York Times)。为了区分出来,《泰晤士报》有时被英语使用者称为《伦敦时报》(The London Times)。《泰晤士报》是世界上第一张以“Times”命名的报纸。
《泰晤士报》The Times和《星期天泰晤士报》The Sunday Times是“姐妹刊物”,它们现在同属于新闻集团(英国和爱尔兰公司)News UK 。《泰晤士报》是日报(daily newspaper)类型,《星期天泰晤士报》则是周日发刊(sunday newspaper)的类型,
The Times is one of the oldest and most renowned newspapers in the United Kingdom, founded by John Walter in 1785. The newspaper has a broad readership in the UK and globally, and is considered one of the leading institutions in British media.
The Times is well-known for its high-quality, authoritative and in-depth analysis of political, business, and cultural developments in the UK and around the world. The newspaper features a range of content, including daily coverage of important news from around the world, special features, columns, and commentary.
In addition to its print edition, The Times also has a digital media platform that includes a website and mobile app, offering multiple ways for readers to access its content. The Times also collaborates with other media and cultural institutions to host events and exhibitions, promoting British culture and history.